Friday, April 1, 2011

Mobile Photography

A Mobile Phone's camera is good enough if you have creative idea and availability of good light....

Mobile photography is a new jargon about anything related to taking picture with a mobile phone camera. It is a new genre of photography, but it doesn't mean that it is negligible. In fact, majority of photography activities existed on the internet nowadays are made with a mobile phone camera.

We are living in a time where ‘convergence’ is everywhere. Gone are the days when a camera was a camera, a MP3 player was an MP3 player, a phone was a phone. These days digital cameras are found in a variety of other gadgets – including cell phones. In fact Camera Phones are one of the fastest growing segments of the digital camera market and with the improvements in the quality of what is being offered in some phones (higher megapixels, better lenses, high capacity storage)

Tips to improve your mobile photography:
1. Good Light:
Shoot at the time of good lighting condition or add extra light to your shot, be aware that artificial light impacts the color cast in your shots.

2. Get Close to Your Subject:
One of the most common mistakes with camera phone images is that their subject ends up being a tiny, unrecognizable object in the distance. Camera phone images tend to be small due to low resolution (although this is changing) – so fill up your view finder with your subject to save having to zoom in on the subject in editing it later (which decreases quality even more).

Please note, getting too close on some model camera phones creates distortion and focusing issues (particularly if the camera phone doesn’t have a macro or close focusing mode).

3. Wait!... there is shutter lag:
Keep in mind that many camera phones also suffer from ’shutter lag’ (ie the time between when you press the shutter and when the camera takes the shot can be a second or so). This means you need to hold the camera still a little longer to ensure it doesn’t take a shot as you’re lowering it away from the subject. One trick is to lean your camera phone (or the hand holding it) against a solid object (like a tree, wall, ledge) when taking shots.

4. Avoid Digital Zoom:
As tempting as it might be to zoom in on your subject when taking your picture (if you have a zoom feature on your camera phone), if the zoom is a ‘digital zoom’ it will decrease the quality of your shot to use it (you’ll end up with a more pixelated shot).

5. Keep your lens clean:
One of the challenges with many camera phones is keeping them maintained and clean. Phones spend a lot of time in pockets, in bags and being used in all manner of weather and conditions. As a result they get dirty and can easily become damaged – fingerprints are a common problem on camera lenses – especially if your phone doesn’t have a lens cover. From time to time clean the lens of your camera using a soft cloth (sunglasses cleaning cloths are great).

The below few images which i have taken with my mobile camera:


Unknown said...

Mashe ugran..... We need this kind of article b' cause we are not holding SLR cam 

Shabeer said...

great snaps!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Good & useful post.
Jazzak Allah Khairan
-Abdul Quddus

shameena.v said...
